Weekly Blessing December 31 2023
You are blessed just because you are being!
You are blessed without your efforts, successes, or entitlements.
You are blessed in waking and sleeping, in laughing and weeping, in knowing and unknowing.
Yesterday was a blessing. Today is a blessing. Tomorrow will be a blessing.
Always welling up is God-within-you! God-within-you! God-within-you!
You are blessed!
J. David Griffin, Minister
Weekly Blessing December 24 2023
Blessed are those
who are feeling the pains of birthing,
for birthing is a name for God.
Blessed are those
who stutter and stumble, hesitantly groaning,
for they are about to speak God’s language.
Blessed are those
who let go of themselves,
who cry out in fear and joy—
“Let it be!”—
for they are birthing the Life of Christ!
J. David Griffin, Minister